IMKURAQ is an aquatic animal diseases care company mainly dealing with shrimp viral and bacterial diseases. This company will develop feed additives for shrimp industries as well as fishes industries. This company utilizes technology developed by IgY Immunoloigix. IMKURAQ capabilities are to increase the speed and efficiency of progressing products.  IMKURAQ provides a range of state-of- the-art aquaculture products to support the rapidly growing commercial shrimp feed supplements interests in this field. The company capabilities are to increase the speed and efficiency of progressing products to control vibriosis in pond. IMKURAQ utilizes a truly integrated approach to develop products by utilizing expertise of its sister company Zealous Therapeutics and in collaboration with IgY Immunologix. Zealous Therapeutics is a Singapore entity with mandate to develop Pharmaceuticals new drug candidate for cancer, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases. IgY Immunologix is an antibody technology company which has specialization for developing therapeutic and diagnostic antibodies for veterinary diseases.